Oh our goodness - when someone has the history of the school in Miss cancellation of their prom read more then go hire a homosexual couple - the comments about has anyone seen this on Yesterday We posted a Q had stated it, and how it almost happened here inS, Canada, but the school was too afraid of the parents to cancel the operation and someone replied: "This is America because we are. We doot know again down like Canada "- Okay, so you proud of what the school has done You try to call the USA aumber of proud zealot But yes, some of the comments on the story of how: - We am sick to death to keep these "special people" with "specialeeds" ruin it for the rest of us who areatural persons are healthy minded, law-abiding. Just say "No" toegative behavior, what is wrong with the truth -

1) Jereour Wotherspoon male of Canada, 34.03 seconds and Jenny Wolf female Germany, 37.02 seconds to keep the speed skating 500m World Record. 2) The arctic terns, 24,000 miles per year and Sooty Shearwater, 40,000 miles per year, the longest walk. 3) "A day male monarch (Danaus plexippus), published by Donald A. Davis (CA) at Presqu'ile Provincial Parkear Brighton, Ontario, Canada, on 10 September 1988, was recaptured on April 8, 1989 in Austin , Texas, United States, traveling approximately 2880 miles, so it contains the longest in the world butterfly migration. ~ Keeper of the Records Guinness World Records Ltd.
Is anyone else amazed at amount of homophobes on
Is anyone surprised at the amount of homophobes on